You can call me a nomadic Indian. My 6 decades plus have been spent across some nine locations (metros to villages) in five Indian states, greatly moulding my identity. Extensive travel around the country and a few visits beyond, have broadened my perspective.
I was fortunate to be encouraged in my early attempts at self-expression. My family allowed me the freedom to choose so I studied Physics followed by Literature. A 21-year old’s bravado at a chance interview by a Bank Chairman started me on a career in Corporate Communications. That was one of my life’s best turns.
Exiting from a corporate job at my will has given me greater opportunities for self-expression through travel, photography and writing. I rediscovered my love of public speaking, thanks to an opportunity that came my way to teach that subject to under graduates. Concurrently, I discovered Toastmasters and its multilayered pleasures. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and supporting causes that deserve it.
I believe that India, truly democratic (the ultimate state of nationhood), will defeat poverty and will embrace equal opportunity, meritocracy, and scientific temper, but not before people assert their right to an efficient and accountable system of governance.